2.2 KiB
ningle-fbr (WIP)
An utility for ningle and jingle to enable file-based routing
What is file-based routing?
File-based routing is a concept commonly used in modern web frameworks such as Next.js. Instead of explicitly defining routes through configuration or code, the framework automatically sets up routes based on the file hierarchy of a particular directory (usually the "pages" or "routes" directory).
To use ningle-fbr, you must use package-inferred-system.
(defsystem "example"
:class :package-inferred-system
:pathname "src"
:depends-on ("example/app")
(defpackage #:example
(:nicknames #:example/app)
(:use #:cl)
(:import-from #:ningle)
(:import-from #:ningle-fbr
(in-package #:example/app)
(defparameter *app* (make-instance 'ningle:<app>))
(assign-routes *app*
:directory "src/routes"
:system "example")
Static routing
→ /
→ /hello
→ /users
→ /nested/page
(defpackage #:example/routes/index
(:use #:cl)
(:export #:handle-get
(in-package #:example/routes/index)
(defun handle-get (params)
(defun handle-post (params)
(defun handle-put (params)
(defun handle-delete (params)
Dynamic routing
A file or directory name prefixed with '=' indicates a dynamic path.
In the example below, the parameter id
can be obtained from handler's params.
→ /user/:id
Not found error
is a special file to handle 404 errors. Implement handle-not-found
function and export it.
(defpackage #:example/routes/not-found
(:use #:cl)
(:export #:handle-not-found))
(in-package #:example/routes/not-found)
(defun handle-not-found ()
Licensed under MIT License.
Copyright (c) 2024, skyizwhite.