Alexander Artemenko da8536f4ff Fixed condition.
2024-05-18 00:22:24 +03:00

430 lines
18 KiB

name: 'Setup Common Lisp'
author: Alexander Artemenko
description: This action setup Roswell and a Common Lisp implementation plus Qlot for managing virtual environments.
description: 'Roswell version to install. If not specified, the latest working version will be used; if "latest", the latest version is used'
required: false
default: v23.10.14.114
description: 'ASDF system to install'
required: false
description: 'ASDF version to install. If not specified, the latest working version will be used; if "latest", the latest version is used'
required: false
description: 'Qlot version to install. If not specified, the latest working version will be used; if "latest", the latest version is used'
required: false
default: 0.11.5
description: 'Make Qlot ignore asd files and their dependencies. This this might be useful in rare cases when your project contains a non-readable asd files such as templates.'
required: false
default: false
description: "Djula template for qlfile. All environment variables are available in it's context"
required: false
description: 'If true (default), then cache will be created to speedup repeated action runs.'
required: false
default: true
# GitHub does not support anchors in the action
# and returns error like this:
# Anchors are not currently supported. Remove the anchor 'roswell-cache-paths'
# That is why I use "input" variable to not repeat this list in two places
description: "Internal var. Don't use it."
required: false
default: |
description: "Internal var. Don't use it."
required: false
default: |
path: |
description: "Internal var. Don't use it."
required: false
default: v9
using: composite
- name: Calculate variables
id: locals
shell: bash
run: |
if [[ '${{ inputs.roswell-version }}' == 'latest' ]]
echo "windows-package-name=mingw-w64-x86_64-roswell" >> $GITHUB_OUTPUT
# Strip v prefix from version number
ROS_VERSION=$(echo ${{ inputs.roswell-version }} | sed 's/v//')
echo "windows-package-name=mingw-w64-x86_64-roswell=$ROS_VERSION" >> $GITHUB_OUTPUT
# echo 'roswell-cache-paths=~/.quicklisp-client-fix\n~/.roswell\n/usr/local/etc/roswell\n/usr/local/bin/ros\n/usr/local/Cellar/roswell' >> $GITHUB_OUTPUT
echo "current-month=$(date -u '+%Y-%m')" >> $GITHUB_OUTPUT
- if: runner.os == 'Windows'
uses: msys2/setup-msys2@cc11e9188b693c2b100158c3322424c4cc1dadea #v2.22.0
# Msys2 has its own PATH, and the following setting enables standard
# PATH manipulation expressions like the one shown below, to succeed:
# $ echo /usr/local/bin >> $GITHUB_PATH
path-type: inherit
platform-check-severity: warn
# Installing ASDF requires `make`, so let's make sure it's
# available
install: >-
${{ }}
cache: ${{ inputs.cache }}
- name: Create lispsh
shell: bash
run: |
echo ::group::Set up link to lispsh
# All the steps below, should work without problems on Linux, Mac OS,
# and Windows, provided that they are run with the "right" shell
# parameter, i.e. bash for Linux and Mac OS, and msys2 for Windows.
# Unfortunately, composite actions do not support getting the shell
# parameter injected from the parent workflow (read more about this
# here:, so the
# workaround I came up with is:
# 1. Symlink bash/msys2 to a known location, i.e. lispsh
# 2. Use lispsh -eo pipefail {0} as shell parameter
# Pay attention to -eo pipefail options. We need them to exit on the
# first error. Without this option, Roswell might fail to install the
# implementation and continue to execute everything with default SBCL.
# It's not ideal, but the alternative is to duplicate most of the steps
# below, and have some of them with `shell: bash`, and others with
# `shell: msys2 {0}`.
if [[ "$RUNNER_OS" == "Windows" ]]; then
powershell New-Item -ItemType SymbolicLink -Force \
-Path "D:/a/_temp/setup-msys2/lispsh.cmd" \
-Target "D:/a/_temp/setup-msys2/msys2.cmd"
sudo ln -sf $(which bash) /usr/local/bin/lispsh
echo ::endgroup::
- name: Set up Environment
shell: bash
run: |
echo ::group::Set up Environment
if [[ "$RUNNER_OS" == "Windows" ]]; then
# Roswell internally checks for the MSYSCON env varible to be
# defined, and when not there, it would go and install msys2 (i.e.
# `ros install msys2+`) and rely on the `bash` bonary that comes
# with that installation.
# All good except that something is not quite working as it should,
# given that every time Roswell tries to run a `bash` command, it
# would spit out the following:
# Unhandled SIMPLE-ERROR in thread #<SB-THREAD:THREAD "main thread" RUNNING
# {1005700003}>:
# Couldn't execute "C:\\Users\\runneradmin\\.roswell\\impls\\x86-64\\windows\\msys2\\NIL\\usr\\bin\\bash": The system cannot find the file specified.
# Backtrace for: #<SB-THREAD:THREAD "main thread" RUNNING {1005700003}>
# 0: (SB-DEBUG::DEBUGGER-DISABLED-HOOK #<SIMPLE-ERROR "Couldn't execute ~S: ~A" {1004EEA623}> #<unused argument> :QUIT T)
# 1: (SB-DEBUG::RUN-HOOK SB-EXT:*INVOKE-DEBUGGER-HOOK* #<SIMPLE-ERROR "Couldn't execute ~S: ~A" {1004EEA623}>)
# 2: (INVOKE-DEBUGGER #<SIMPLE-ERROR "Couldn't execute ~S: ~A" {1004EEA623}>)
# 3: (ERROR "Couldn't execute ~S: ~A" "C:\\Users\\runneradmin\\.roswell\\impls\\x86-64\\windows\\msys2\\NIL\\usr\\bin\\bash" "The system cannot find the file specified.")
# 4: (SB-EXT:RUN-PROGRAM "C:\\Users\\runneradmin\\.roswell\\impls\\x86-64\\windows\\msys2\\NIL\\usr\\bin\\bash" ("-lc" "cd \"C:\\\\Users\\\\runneradmin\\\\.roswell\\\\src\\\\asdf-\\\\\";pwd") :ENV NIL :ENVIRONMENT NIL :WAIT NIL :SEARCH T :INPUT NIL :IF-INPUT-DOES-NOT-EXIST :ERROR :OUTPUT :STREAM :IF-OUTPUT-EXISTS :APPEND :ERROR NIL :IF-ERROR-EXISTS :APPEND :STATUS-HOOK NIL :EXTERNAL-FORMAT :UTF-8 :DIRECTORY NIL :PRESERVE-FDS NIL :ESCAPE-ARGUMENTS T :WINDOW NIL)
# 5: (UIOP/LAUNCH-PROGRAM:LAUNCH-PROGRAM ("C:\\Users\\runneradmin\\.roswell\\impls\\x86-64\\windows\\msys2\\NIL\\usr\\bin\\bash" "-lc" "cd \"C:\\\\Users\\\\runneradmin\\\\.roswell\\\\src\\\\asdf-\\\\\";pwd") :INPUT NIL :OUTPUT :STREAM :ERROR-OUTPUT NIL :OUTPUT :STRING)
# 7: (UIOP/RUN-PROGRAM::%USE-LAUNCH-PROGRAM ("C:\\Users\\runneradmin\\.roswell\\impls\\x86-64\\windows\\msys2\\NIL\\usr\\bin\\bash" "-lc" "cd \"C:\\\\Users\\\\runneradmin\\\\.roswell\\\\src\\\\asdf-\\\\\";pwd") :OUTPUT :STRING)
# 8: (MINGW-NAMESTRING #P"C:/Users/runneradmin/.roswell/src/asdf-")
# The NIL over there, seems to be the result of evaluating the
# following form:
# (config "msys2.version")
# Now, I am not sure what's going on with that, but since
# we got msys2 installed already, I figured it would be easier to
# tell Roswell about it and ignore all the other installation
# steps.
echo MSYSCON=Stop-Roswell-From-Installing-Msys2 >> $GITHUB_ENV
# Also, for whatever reason Roswell seems to be installing
# ASDF-system-specific scripts inside .roswell/lisp/quicklisp/bin
# and not .roswell/bin, so if we want to enable users of this
# action to directly invoke these scripts, we need to add
# .roswell/lisp/quicklisp/bin to PATH.
echo $HOME/.roswell/lisp/quicklisp/bin >> $GITHUB_PATH
echo $HOME/.roswell/bin >> $GITHUB_PATH
echo ::endgroup::
# TODO: comment for prod
# - name: Current Env
# shell: bash
# run: |
# echo ::group::Environment
# echo "Current dir:"
# pwd
# echo "Environment Variables:"
# env | sort -u
# echo ::endgroup::
# On Windows we dont have such problems with permission.
# Also we don't have sudo there, so just skip this step
# on this platform:
- if: inputs.cache == 'true' && runner.os != 'Windows'
name: Grant All Perms to Make Roswell Cache Restoring Possible
shell: lispsh -eo pipefail {0}
run: |
sudo mkdir -p /usr/local/etc/roswell
sudo chown "${USER}" /usr/local/etc/roswell
# Here the ros binary will be restored:
sudo chown "${USER}" /usr/local/bin
- if: inputs.cache == 'true'
name: Restore Roswell From Cache
id: roswell-cache-restore
uses: actions/cache/restore@v4
path: ${{ inputs.roswell-cache-paths }}
key: roswell-${{ inputs.roswell-version }}-${{ steps.locals.outputs.current-month }}-${{ env.cache-name }}-${{ runner.os }}-${{ runner.arch }}-${{ env.LISP }}-${{ inputs.cache-suffix }}
- if: inputs.cache == 'true' && steps.roswell-cache-restore.outputs.cache-hit == 'true'
name: Restore Path To Cached Files
shell: lispsh -eo pipefail {0}
run: |
echo $HOME/.roswell/bin >> $GITHUB_PATH
echo .qlot/bin >> $GITHUB_PATH
if [[ "$RUNNER_OS" == "Windows" ]]; then
echo $HOME/.roswell/lisp/quicklisp/bin >> $GITHUB_PATH
# Start the piece which results should be cached
# On Windows we install roswell using Pacman package manager and don't need this step
- if: (inputs.cache == 'false' || steps.roswell-cache-restore.outputs.cache-hit != 'true') && runner.os != 'Windows'
name: Install Roswell
shell: lispsh -eo pipefail {0}
run: |
echo ::group::Installing Roswell dependencies
if [[ "$RUNNER_OS" == "Linux" ]]; then
sudo apt-get update
sudo apt-get -y install git build-essential automake libcurl4-openssl-dev
if [[ "$RUNNER_OS" == "macOS" ]]; then
brew install automake autoconf curl
echo ::endgroup::
if [[ "${{ inputs.roswell-version }}" != "latest" ]]; then
echo ::group::Installing Roswell ${{ inputs.roswell-version }}
curl -L${{ inputs.roswell-version }}/scripts/ | bash -xeo pipefail
echo ::group::Installing latest Roswell
curl -L | bash -xeo pipefail
echo ::endgroup::
- if: inputs.cache == 'false' || steps.roswell-cache-restore.outputs.cache-hit != 'true'
name: Upgrade Quicklisp dists
shell: lispsh -eo pipefail {0}
run: |
# The parent workflow might have caching enabled for Roswell and all
# the other Lisp files in general, so it's better to tell Quicklisp
# to update all its dists.
ros -e "(ql:update-all-dists :prompt nil)"
- if: inputs.cache == 'false' || steps.roswell-cache-restore.outputs.cache-hit != 'true'
name: Install Quicklisp patch for package-inferred systems
shell: lispsh -eo pipefail {0}
run: |
git clone \
--no-tags \
--single-branch \
--depth=1 \ \
mkdir -p ~/.roswell
cat $GITHUB_ACTION_PATH/load-quicklisp-fix.lisp >> ~/.roswell/init.lisp
- if: inputs.cache == 'false' || steps.roswell-cache-restore.outputs.cache-hit != 'true'
name: Upgrade ASDF to the Latest Version
shell: lispsh -eo pipefail {0}
run: |
if [[ "${{ inputs.asdf-version }}" != "latest" ]]; then
echo ::group::Installing ASDF ${{ inputs.asdf-version }}
ros install asdf/${{ inputs.asdf-version }}
echo ::group::Installing latest ASDF
ros install asdf
echo ::endgroup::
- if: inputs.cache == 'false' || steps.roswell-cache-restore.outputs.cache-hit != 'true'
name: Install Qlot
shell: lispsh -eo pipefail {0}
run: |
if [[ "${{ inputs.qlot-version }}" != "latest" ]]; then
echo ::group::Installing Qlot ${{ inputs.qlot-version }}
ros install fukamachi/qlot/${{ inputs.qlot-version }}
echo ::group::Installing latest Qlot
ros install fukamachi/qlot
echo .qlot/bin >> $GITHUB_PATH
echo ::endgroup::
- if: inputs.cache == 'true' && steps.roswell-cache-restore.outputs.cache-hit != 'true'
name: Cache Roswell Setup
id: roswell-cache-save
uses: actions/cache/save@v4
path: ${{ inputs.roswell-cache-paths }}
key: ${{ steps.roswell-cache-restore.outputs.cache-primary-key }}
# We really need this step go before cache restore,
# because it changes qlfile and cache key depends on it.
- name: Ensure qlfile exists
shell: lispsh -eo pipefail {0}
run: |
echo ::group::Ensure qlfile exists
if [[ -n "${{ inputs.qlfile-template }}" ]]; then
echo "${{ inputs.qlfile-template }}" | $GITHUB_ACTION_PATH/templater.ros > qlfile
rm -f qlfile.lock
echo "Created qlfile:"
echo '==============='
cat qlfile
echo '==============='
echo ''
elif [[ -e qlfile ]]; then
echo 'Here is content of qlfile:'
echo '==============='
cat qlfile
echo '==============='
echo ''
echo 'There is no qlfile. Creating an empty one.'
touch qlfile
echo ::endgroup::
- if: inputs.cache == 'true'
name: Restore Qlot Environment
id: qlot-cache-restore
uses: actions/cache/restore@v4
path: ${{ inputs.qlot-cache-paths }}
key: qlot-${{ steps.locals.outputs.current-month }}-${{ env.cache-name }}-${{ runner.os }}-${{ runner.arch }}-${{ env.QUICKLISP_DIST }}-${{ env.LISP }}-${{ hashFiles('qlfile', 'qlfile.lock', '*.asd') }}-${{ inputs.cache-suffix }}
- if: inputs.cache == 'true' && steps.qlot-cache-restore.outputs.cache-hit == 'true'
name: Restore Path To .qlot/bin
shell: lispsh -eo pipefail {0}
run: |
echo .qlot/bin >> $GITHUB_PATH
- if: inputs.cache == 'false' || steps.qlot-cache-restore.outputs.cache-hit != 'true'
name: Create Qlot Environment
shell: lispsh -eo pipefail {0}
run: |
echo ::group::Create Qlot Environment
if [[ "${{ inputs.qlot-no-deps }}" != 'false' ]]; then
echo 'Running Qlot with --no-deps argument'
qlot install --no-deps
echo 'Running Qlot as usual'
qlot install
echo ::endgroup::
QLFILE_TEMPLATE: ${{ inputs.qlfile-template }}
# This step will install system and
# all possible roswell scripts, if the system
# has them in the roswell/ subdirectory:
- if: inputs.asdf-system && (inputs.cache == 'false' || steps.qlot-cache-restore.outputs.cache-hit != 'true')
name: Install ASDF System
shell: lispsh -eo pipefail {0}
# Here we'll need to set CL_SOURCE_REGISTRY
# when will switch to a new qlot:
run: |
echo ::group::Install ASDF System
qlot exec ros install ${{ inputs.asdf-system }}
echo ::endgroup::
- if: inputs.cache == 'true' && steps.qlot-cache-restore.outputs.cache-hit != 'true'
name: Cache Qlot Environment
id: qlot-cache-save
uses: actions/cache/save@v4
path: ${{ inputs.qlot-cache-paths }}
key: ${{ steps.qlot-cache-restore.outputs.cache-primary-key }}
# End of the cached piece
- name: Check it is possible to run desired lisp implementation
shell: lispsh -eo pipefail {0}
# Call ${{ github.action_path }}test.ros does not work on windows
# because of backslashes.
# Here we are using sed to transform slashes in the path.
# Without this trick it is impossible to run test.ros on Windows.
# The other way to do the trick is to change write path to GITHUB_PATH.
# In this case, GitHub itself will convert backslashes. Hovewer, this
# way the path will be added to the PATH variable of the workflow
# which used setup-lisp and I consider this is not desired behaviour.
run: |
echo ::group::Checking if we installed correct Lisp implementation
if [[ "$RUNNER_OS" == "Windows" ]]; then
ACTION_PATH="$(echo '${{ github.action_path }}' | sed -e 's|/|\\|')\\"
ACTION_PATH='${{ github.action_path }}/'
echo ::endgroup::