Added actions to build docs.

This commit is contained in:
Alexander Artemenko 2021-02-06 12:41:50 +03:00
parent cf4ba5cb7f
commit 7653103348
7 changed files with 555 additions and 18 deletions

.github/actions/build-docs/action.yml vendored Normal file
View file

@ -0,0 +1,20 @@
name: 'Build Docs'
description: 'ASDF system to build system for'
required: true
description: "Djula template for qlfile. All environment variables are available in it's context"
required: false
using: composite
- uses: 40ants/cl-info/.github/actions/setup-lisp@custom-action
asdf-system: cl-info
- name: Finish
shell: bash
run: |
echo "DONE"

.github/actions/setup-lisp/action.yml vendored Normal file
View file

@ -0,0 +1,76 @@
name: 'Setup Common Lisp'
description: 'ASDF system to install'
required: true
description: "Djula template for qlfile. All environment variables are available in it's context"
required: false
using: composite
- name: Current Env
shell: bash
run: |
echo ::group::Environment
echo "Current dir:"
echo "Environment Variables:"
env | sort -u
echo ::endgroup::
- name: Install Roswell
shell: bash
run: |
echo ::group::Install Roswell
if [[ "$OS" == "ubuntu-latest" ]]; then
sudo apt-get -y install git build-essential automake libcurl4-openssl-dev
if [[ "$OS" == "macos-latest" ]]; then
brew install automake autoconf curl
curl -L | sh
echo $HOME/.roswell/bin >> $GITHUB_PATH
echo ::endgroup::
- name: Upgrade ASDF to the Latest Version
shell: bash
run: |
echo ::group::Upgrade ASDF
ros install asdf
echo ::endgroup::
- name: Install Qlot
shell: bash
run: |
echo ::group::Install Qlot
ros install qlot
echo .qlot/bin >> $GITHUB_PATH
echo ::endgroup::
- name: Create Qlot Environment
shell: bash
run: |
echo ::group::Create Qlot Environment
if [[ -n "${QLFILE_TEMPLATE}" ]]; then
echo "${QLFILE_TEMPLATE}" | ${{ github.action_path }}/templater.ros > qlfile
rm -f qlfile.lock
qlot install
echo ::endgroup::
QLFILE_TEMPLATE: ${{ inputs.qlfile-template }}
# This step will install system and
# all possible roswell scripts, if the system
# has them in the roswell/ subdirectory:
- name: Install ASDF System
shell: bash
run: |
echo ::group::Install ASDF System
qlot exec ros install ${{ inputs.asdf-system }}
echo ::endgroup::

.github/workflows/docs.yml vendored Normal file
View file

@ -0,0 +1,28 @@
name: 'Docs'
# This will run tests on pushes
# to master branch or on pull merges:
- 'main'
- 'master'
# This will run tests for every pull request:
# Rerun tests at 10 AM every Monday
# to check if they still work with latest dependencies.
- cron: '0 10 * * 1'
runs-on: ubuntu-latest
LISP: sbcl-bin
- uses: actions/checkout@v1
- uses: 40ants/cl-info/.github/actions/build-docs@custom-action
asdf-system: cl-info

cl-info-docs.asd Normal file
View file

@ -0,0 +1,6 @@
(defsystem example-docs
:build-operation build-docs-op
:build-pathname "docs/build/"
:class :package-inferred-system
:pathname "docs/source/"
:depends-on ("example-docs/docs"))

docs/scripts/build.ros Executable file
View file

@ -0,0 +1,163 @@
#|-*- mode:lisp -*-|#
#| <Put a one-line description here>
exec ros -Q -- $0 "$@"
(progn ;;init forms
(ql:quickload '(log4cl
:silent t))
(:use :cl))
(define-condition unable-to-proceed (simple-error)
((message :initarg :message
:reader get-message))
(:report (lambda (condition stream)
(format stream (get-message condition)))))
(define-condition subprocess-error-with-output (uiop::subprocess-error)
((stdout :initarg :stdout :reader subprocess-error-stdout)
(stderr :initarg :stderr :reader subprocess-error-stderr))
(:report (lambda (condition stream)
(format stream "Subprocess ~@[~S~% ~]~@[with command ~S~% ~]exited with error~@[ code ~D ~]~@[ and this text at stderr:~% ~S~]"
(uiop:subprocess-error-process condition)
(uiop:subprocess-error-command condition)
(uiop:subprocess-error-code condition)
(subprocess-error-stderr condition))
(defun run (command &key (raise t))
"Runs command and returns it's stdout stderr and code.
If there was an error, raises subprocess-error-with-output, but this
behaviour could be overriden by keyword argument ``:raise t``."
(multiple-value-bind (stdout stderr code)
(uiop:run-program command
:output '(:string :stripped t)
:error-output '(:string :stripped t)
:ignore-error-status t)
(when (and raise
(not (eql code 0)))
(error 'subprocess-error-with-output
:stdout stdout
:stderr stderr
:code code
:command command))
(values stdout stderr code)))
(defun build-docs ()
(log:info "Building documentation in ./docs/")
(uiop:with-output-file (s "docs/build/.nojekyll" :if-exists :overwrite)
(declare (ignorable s))))
(defun gh-pages-repository-initialized-p ()
"Checks if repository for documentation already initialized"
(uiop:directory-exists-p "docs/build/.git"))
(defun git (&rest commands)
"Calls git command in gh-pages repository."
(let ((directory "docs/build/"))
(uiop:with-current-directory (directory)
(let ((command (apply #'concatenate 'string
"git "
(log:info "Running" command "in" directory)
(run command)))))
(defun git-repository-was-changed-p ()
;; if git status returns something, then repository have uncommitted changes
(> (length (git "status --porcelain"))
(defun get-git-upstream ()
;; taken from
(let ((upstream (run "git rev-parse --abbrev-ref --symbolic-full-name @{u}" :raise nil)))
(when (> (length upstream)
(subseq upstream
(search "/" upstream)))))
(defun get-origin-to-push ()
(let ((upstream (get-git-upstream)))
;; If there is already some remote upstream, then use it
(run (concatenate 'string "git remote get-url " upstream)))
;; If we are running inside github actions
((uiop:getenv "GITHUB_ACTIONS")
(unless (uiop:getenv "GITHUB_TOKEN")
(error 'unable-to-proceed
:message "Please, provide GITHUB_TOKEN environment variable."))
(format nil ""
(uiop:getenv "GITHUB_ACTOR")
(uiop:getenv "GITHUB_TOKEN")
(uiop:getenv "GITHUB_REPOSITORY")))
;; otherwise make it from travis secret token and repo slug
(let ((repo-slug (uiop:getenv "TRAVIS_REPO_SLUG"))
(repo-token (uiop:getenv "GH_REPO_TOKEN")))
(unless (and repo-slug repo-token)
(error 'unable-to-proceed
:message "Current branch does not track any upstream and there is no TRAVIS_REPO_SLUG and GH_REPO_TOKEN env variables. Where to push gh-pages branch?"))
(format nil ""
(defun push-gh-pages ()
(log:info "Pushing changes to gh-pages branch")
(unless (gh-pages-repository-initialized-p)
(git "init")
(git "remote add origin "
(git "add .")
(when (uiop:getenv "GITHUB_ACTIONS")
(git "config --global \"github-actions[bot]\"")
(git "config --global \"\""))
(git "commit -m 'Update docs'")
(git "push --force origin master:gh-pages"))
;; or
(t (log:info "Everything is up to date."))))
(defun main (&rest argv)
(declare (ignorable argv))
(log:config :debug)
(log:info "Building documentation")
(handler-bind ((error (lambda (condition)
(uiop:print-condition-backtrace condition :stream *error-output*)
(uiop:quit 1))))

docs/source/docs.lisp Normal file
View file

@ -0,0 +1,168 @@
(defpackage #:example-docs/docs
(:nicknames #:example-docs)
(:use #:cl)
(:import-from #:mgl-pax
(:import-from #:example/app
(:import-from #:example/utils
(in-package example-docs/docs)
(defsection @index (:title "Example of MGL-PAX Common Lisp Documentation Builder")
This is small library includes a few functions with docstrings and a documentation
for the system and all included packages.
The purpose is to demonstrate core features of the
[MGL-PAX]( documentation builder.
This repository is part of the <> organization,
created to compare different Common Lisp documentation systems.
The goal is make it easier for CL software developers to choose proper
documentation system and to improve docs in their software!
Resulting documentation can be viewed here:
The repository can be used as a template for new libraries if you've choosen `MGL-PAX`
for documenting your library.
Let's review features, provided by `MGL-PAX`.
(@pros-n-cons section)
(@how-to-build section)
(@handwritten section)
(@autogenerated section)
(@packages section))
(defsection @pros-n-cons (:title "Pros & Cons of PAX")
(@pros section)
(@cons section))
(defsection @pros (:title "Pros")
* Markdown is widely used markup format and PAX uses it everywhere.
* Cross-referencing works like a charm and you can reference different
types of objects using [Locatives](
* New types of documentation objects can be defined in Common Lisp using CLOS.
Here is [an example](
* Emacs/SLIME integration and ability to jump to a xref objects using M-.
* Ability to generate Markdown README files as well as HTML.
* It is possible to link documentation and sources on the GitHub.
* Docstrings deindentation allows to format code nicely.
* You can generation docs for a multiple ASDF systems with cross-referencing.
* Autoexports all documented symbols. No need to enumerate them in `defpackage` form.
* There is a nice default HTML theme.
* No external tools like Sphinx. Everything is in Common Lisp.
(defsection @cons (:title "Cons")
* Markdown format may be somewhat limited and probably it can be non-trivial or not possible
to extend it in some rare cases.
* The recommended way to mix documentation section with code leads to
the runtime dependency from PAX and all it's dependencies. But you
might define documentation as a separate ASDF system.
* PAX does not notifies you if some references are missing or there are unused sections.
These mistakes can be catched automatically.
* It is inconvenient to write Markdown in docstrings. Is there any way
to teach Emacs to use markdown minor mode for documentation strings?
* There is no magically autogenerated reference API. See @AUTOGENERATED.
But if you prefer another way, it should be easy to write a function which
will collect external symbols and generate a MGL-PAX:SECTION object for them.
(defsection @how-to-build (:title "How to build the documentation")
MGL-PAX has a number of ways for generation of the docs. But most probably,
you'll need only toplevel helpers described in it's section
[Generating Documentation](
These helpers is able to generate README and HTML docs for an ASDF system.
This example defines it's own wrapper EXAMPLE-DOCS:BUILD-DOCS:
(build-docs function)
It is as simple, as:
(defun build-docs ()
(mgl-pax:update-asdf-system-readmes @index :example)
(mgl-pax:update-asdf-system-html-docs @index :example
:target-dir \"docs/build/\"))
This function is used by docs/scripts/build.ros file to generate documentation from GitHub Actions.
Or can be called from the REPL.
(defsection @handwritten (:title "Handwritten Documentation")
I think the ability to write a large pieces of documentation which aren't bound to
a function, class or module is an important feature. This way you can tell the user
about some toplevel abstractions and give a bird eye view on the library or system.
For example, handwritten parts of the documentation can provide some code snippets
to demonstrate the ways, how to use the library:
(loop repeat 42
collect (foo \"bar\" 100500))
And when you are talking about some function or class, you can reference it.
For example, if I'm talking about the FOO function, I can reference it like this
`[example/app:foo][function]` and it will appear in the code as
the link [example/app:foo]. In most cases you can omit square brakets and just
capitalize symbol name.
Comparing MGL-PAX to Coo (here is it's [example project](,
I'd prefer the PAX, because it's ability to mix handwriten sections with documentation extracted
from docstrings.
(defsection @autogenerated (:title "Autogenerated API Reference")
There is no magically autogenerated reference API. Idea of PAX is that you
write docs manually and reference documented symbols. They are automatically
exported and this way you library's external API should be documented.
But if you prefer another way, it should be easy to write a function which
will collect external symbols and generate a MGL-PAX:SECTION object for them.
(defsection @packages (:title "Packages")
(@app section)
(@utils section))
(defun build-docs ()
(mgl-pax:update-asdf-system-readmes @index :example)
@index :example
:target-dir "docs/build/"
:pages `((:objects (,example-docs:@index)
:source-uri-fn ,(pax:make-github-source-uri-fn

View file

@ -1,27 +1,103 @@
(defpackage #:cl-info/core
(:nicknames #:cl-info)
(defpackage #:cl-info
(:nicknames #:cl-info/core)
(:use #:cl)
(:import-from #:mgl-pax-minimal
(:export #:cl-info
(in-package cl-info/core)
(defsection @index (:title "CL-INFO - Common Lisp Environment Reporter")
This is a small utility, useful to display information about you Common
Lisp environment. You might want to call it in the CI pipeline or
to use it when rendering a crash report in some client applications.
Usage from Common Lisp
It's main entry point is CL-INFO:GET-CL-INFO function. It returns an object with
customized PRINT-OBJECT method. You can use it to output debug
information in your programs.
CL-INFO collects inforrmation about OS, Lisp Implementation, ASDF, installed
Quicklisp distributions:
CL-USER> (cl-info:get-cl-info)
OS: Darwin 15.6.0
Lisp: SBCL 1.4.8
QL: ceramic github-e0d905187946f8f2358f7b05e1ce87b302e34312
cl-prevalence github-c163c227ed85d430b82cb1e3502f72d4f88e3cfa
log4cl-json github-c4f786e252d89a45372186aaf32fb8e8736b444b
log4cl github-6a857b0b41c030a8a3b04096205e221baaa1755f
quicklisp 2018-04-30
slynk github-3314cf8c3021cb758e0e30fe3ece54accf1dcf3d
weblocks-lass github-1b043afbf2f3e84e495dfeae5e63fe67a435019f
weblocks-parenscript github-8ef4ca2f837403a05c4e9b92dcf1c41771d16f17
weblocks-ui github-5afdf238534d70edc2447d0bc8bc63da8e35999f
weblocks-websocket github-b098db7f179dce3bfb045afd4e35e7cc868893f0
weblocks github-282483f97d6ca351265ebfebb017867c295d01ad
websocket-driver github-a3046b11dfb9803ac3bff7734dd017390c2b54bb
Also, you can gather information about separate systems using CL-INFO:GET-SYSTEM-INFO
CL-USER> (cl-info:get-system-info :hamcrest)
System: HAMCREST 0.4.2
Usage From Command-line
Also, you can use CL-INFO as a command-line utility. It is useful to
output information about common lisp environment running on CI server.
Here is how to do it:
# Here we use a Roswell, to install utility
[art@art-osx:~]% ros install 40ants/cl-info
# And now request information about lisp and some systems
[art@art-osx:~]% cl-info weblocks clack jonathan some-other-system
OS: Darwin 15.6.0
Lisp: Clozure Common Lisp Version 1.11.5/v1.11.5 (DarwinX8664)
QL: org.borodust.bodge 20180214223017
quicklisp 2017-10-23
System: weblocks 0.31.1
System: clack 2.0.0
System: jonathan 0.1
System: some-other-system is not available
API Reference
(get-cl-info function)
(get-system-info function)
(cl-info class)
(get-asdf-version (reader cl-info))
(system-info class))
(defclass cl-info ()
((asdf-version :initform (asdf:asdf-version)
:reader get-asdf-version)
:reader get-asdf-version
:documentation "Returns ASDF version.")
(lisp-type :initform (lisp-implementation-type)
:reader get-lisp-type)
(lisp-version :initform (lisp-implementation-version)