159 lines
4.5 KiB
Common Lisp
159 lines
4.5 KiB
Common Lisp
(defpackage #:hsx/element
(:use #:cl)
(:import-from #:str
(:import-from #:hsx/utils
(:export #:element
(in-package #:hsx/element)
;;; tag group definitions
(defgroup self-closing-tag
area base br col embed hr img input
link meta param source track wbr)
(defgroup non-escaping-tag
script style)
;;;; class definitions
(defclass element ()
:reader element-type
:initarg :type)
:reader element-props
:initarg :props)
:reader element-children
:initarg :children)))
(defclass tag (element) ())
(defclass html-tag (tag) ())
(defclass self-closing-tag (tag) ())
(defclass non-escaping-tag (tag) ())
(defclass fragment (tag) ())
(defclass component (element) ())
;;;; factory
(defun create-element (type props children)
(cond ((functionp type) 'component)
((eq type :<>) 'fragment)
((eq type :html) 'html-tag)
((self-closing-tag-p type) 'self-closing-tag)
((non-escaping-tag-p type) 'non-escaping-tag)
((keywordp type) 'tag)
(t (error "element-type must be a keyword or a function.")))
:type type
:props props
:children (flatten children)))
(defun flatten (x)
(labels ((rec (x acc)
(cond ((null x) acc)
((atom x) (cons x acc))
(t (rec
(car x)
(rec (cdr x) acc))))))
(rec x nil)))
;;;; methods
(defgeneric render-to-string (element &key pretty)
(:documentation "Render an HSX element to a string."))
(defmethod render-to-string ((element element) &key pretty)
(with-output-to-string (stream)
(write element :stream stream :pretty pretty)))
(defmethod print-object ((element tag) stream)
(let ((type (render-type element))
(props (render-props element))
(children (render-children element)))
(if children
(format stream
(if (or (rest children)
(typep (first children) 'element))
(format stream "<~a~a></~a>" type props type))))
(defmethod print-object ((element self-closing-tag) stream)
(format stream "<~a~a>" (render-type element) (render-props element)))
(defmethod print-object ((element html-tag) stream)
(format stream "<!DOCTYPE html>~%")
(defmethod print-object ((element fragment) stream)
(let ((children (render-children element)))
(if children
(format stream
(if (rest children)
(defmethod print-object ((element component) stream)
(print-object (expand-component element) stream))
(defmethod render-type ((element tag))
(string-downcase (element-type element)))
(defmethod render-props ((element tag))
(with-output-to-string (stream)
:for (key value) :on (element-props element) :by #'cddr
:do (let ((key-str (string-downcase key)))
(if (typep value 'boolean)
(format stream
"~@[ ~a~]"
(and value key-str))
(format stream
" ~a=\"~a\""
(escape-html-attribute value))))))))
(defmethod render-children ((element tag))
(mapcar (lambda (child)
(if (stringp child)
(escape-html-text-content child)
(element-children element)))
(defmethod render-children ((element non-escaping-tag))
(element-children element))
(defmethod expand-component ((element component))
(apply (element-type element) (element-props-with-children element)))
(defmethod element-props-with-children ((element component))
(with-slots (props children) element
(append props (and children (list :children children)))))