(defpackage #:hsx/element (:use #:cl) (:import-from #:hsx/escaper #:escape-html-attribute #:escape-html-text-content) (:import-from #:hsx/group #:self-closing-tag-p #:non-escaping-tag-p) (:export #:element #:tag #:html-tag #:self-closing-tag #:non-escaping-tag #:fragment #:component #:create-element #:element-type #:element-props #:element-children #:expand-component #:render-to-string)) (in-package #:hsx/element) ;;;; class definitions (defclass element () ((type :reader element-type :initarg :type) (props :reader element-props :initarg :props) (children :reader element-children :initarg :children))) (defclass tag (element) ()) (defclass html-tag (tag) ()) (defclass self-closing-tag (tag) ()) (defclass non-escaping-tag (tag) ()) (defclass fragment (tag) ()) (defclass component (element) ()) ;;;; factory (defun create-element (type props children) (make-instance (cond ((functionp type) 'component) ((eq type :<>) 'fragment) ((eq type :html) 'html-tag) ((self-closing-tag-p type) 'self-closing-tag) ((non-escaping-tag-p type) 'non-escaping-tag) ((keywordp type) 'tag) (t (error "element-type must be a keyword or a function."))) :type type :props props :children (flatten children))) (defun flatten (x) (labels ((rec (x acc) (cond ((null x) acc) ((atom x) (cons x acc)) (t (rec (car x) (rec (cdr x) acc)))))) (rec x nil))) ;;;; methods (defgeneric render-to-string (element &key pretty) (:documentation "Render an HSX element to a string.")) (defmethod render-to-string ((element element) &key pretty) (with-output-to-string (stream) (write element :stream stream :pretty pretty))) (defmethod print-object ((element tag) stream) (let ((type (render-type element)) (props (render-props element)) (children (render-children element))) (if children (format stream (if (or (rest children) (typep (first children) 'element)) "~@<<~a~a>~2I~:@_~<~@{~a~^~:@_~}~:>~0I~:@_~:>" "~@<<~a~a>~2I~:_~<~a~^~:@_~:>~0I~_~:>") type props children type) (format stream "<~a~a>" type props type)))) (defmethod print-object ((element self-closing-tag) stream) (format stream "<~a~a>" (render-type element) (render-props element))) (defmethod print-object ((element html-tag) stream) (format stream "~%") (call-next-method)) (defmethod print-object ((element fragment) stream) (let ((children (render-children element))) (if children (format stream (if (rest children) "~<~@{~a~^~:@_~}~:>" "~<~a~:>") children)))) (defmethod print-object ((element component) stream) (print-object (expand-component element) stream)) (defmethod render-type ((element tag)) (string-downcase (element-type element))) (defmethod render-props ((element tag)) (with-output-to-string (stream) (loop :for (key value) :on (element-props element) :by #'cddr :do (let ((key-str (string-downcase key))) (if (typep value 'boolean) (format stream "~@[ ~a~]" (and value key-str)) (format stream " ~a=\"~a\"" key-str (escape-html-attribute value))))))) (defmethod render-children ((element tag)) (mapcar (lambda (child) (if (stringp child) (escape-html-text-content child) child)) (element-children element))) (defmethod render-children ((element non-escaping-tag)) (element-children element)) (defmethod expand-component ((element component)) (apply (element-type element) (element-props-with-children element))) (defmethod element-props-with-children ((element component)) (with-slots (props children) element (append props (and children (list :children children)))))