Remove unnecessary codes
This commit is contained in:
4 changed files with 4 additions and 196 deletions
@ -1,167 +0,0 @@
(in-package :piccolo)
(defparameter *attribute-belongs-to*
'((accept input)
(accept-charset form)
(accesskey *)
(action form)
(alt area img input)
(async script)
(autocomplete form input)
(autofocus button input select textarea)
(autoplay audio video)
(charset meta script)
(checked input)
(cite blockquote del ins q)
(class *)
(cols textarea)
(colspan td th)
(content meta)
(contenteditable *)
(controls audio video)
(coords area)
(data object)
(data-* *)
(datetime del ins time)
(default track)
(defer script)
(dir *)
(dirname input textarea)
(disabled button fieldset input optgroup option select textarea)
(download a area)
(draggable *)
(dropzone *)
(enctype form)
(for label output)
(form button fieldset input label meter object output select textarea)
(formaction button input)
(headers td th)
(height canvas embed iframe img input object video)
(hidden *)
(high meter)
(href a area base link)
(hreflang a area link)
(http-equiv meta)
(id *)
(ismap img)
(kind track)
(label track option optgroup)
(lang *)
(list input)
(loop audio video)
(low meter)
(max input meter progress)
(maxlength input textarea)
(media a area link source style)
(method form)
(min input meter)
(multiple input select)
(muted video audio)
(name button fieldset form iframe input map meta object output param select textarea)
(novalidate form)
(onabort audio embed img object video)
(onafterprint body)
(onbeforeprint body)
(onbeforeunload body)
(onblur All visible elements.)
(oncanplay audio embed object video)
(oncanplaythrough audio video)
(onchange All visible elements.)
(onclick All visible elements.)
(oncontextmenu All visible elements.)
(oncopy All visible elements.)
(oncuechange track)
(oncut +)
(ondblclick +)
(ondrag +)
(ondragend +)
(ondragenter +)
(ondragleave +)
(ondragover +)
(ondragstart +)
(ondrop +)
(ondurationchange audio video)
(onemptied audio video)
(onended audio video)
(onerror audio body embed img object script style video)
(onfocus +)
(onhashchange body)
(oninput +)
(oninvalid +)
(onkeydown +)
(onkeypress +)
(onkeyup +)
(onload body iframe img input link script style)
(onloadeddata audio video)
(onloadedmetadata audio video)
(onloadstart audio video)
(onmousedown +)
(onmousemove +)
(onmouseout +)
(onmouseover +)
(onmouseup +)
(onmousewheel +)
(onoffline body)
(ononline body)
(onpagehide body)
(onpageshow body)
(onpaste +)
(onpause audio video)
(onplay audio video)
(onplaying audio video)
(onpopstate body)
(onprogress audio video)
(onratechange audio video)
(onreset form)
(onresize body)
(onscroll +)
(onsearch input)
(onseeked audio video)
(onseeking audio video)
(onselect +)
(onstalled audio video)
(onstorage body)
h(onsubmit form)
(onsuspend audio video)
(ontimeupdate audio video)
(ontoggle details)
(onunload body)
(onvolumechange audio video)
(onwaiting audio video)
(onwheel +)
(open details)
(optimum meter)
(pattern input)
(placeholder input textarea)
(poster video)
(preload audio video)
(readonly input textarea)
(rel a area link)
(required input select textarea)
(reversed ol)
(rows textarea)
(rowspan td th)
(sandbox iframe)
(scope th)
(selected option)
(shape area)
(size input select)
(sizes img link source)
(span col colgroup)
(spellcheck *)
(src audio embed iframe img input script source track video)
(srcdoc iframe)
(srclang track)
(srcset img source)
(start ol)
(step input)
(style *)
(tabindex *)
(target a area base form)
(title *)
(translate *)
(type button embed input link menu object script source style)
(usemap img object)
(value button input li option meter progress param)
(width canvas embed iframe img input object video)
(wrap textarea)))
@ -119,7 +119,7 @@ When given :ASCII and :ATTR, it's possible to insert html text as a children, e.
(defmethod print-object ((attrs attrs) stream)
(defmethod print-object ((attrs attrs) stream)
(if (attrs-alist attrs)
(if (attrs-alist attrs)
(format stream " ~{~a=~s~^ ~}" (alist-plist* (attrs-alist attrs)))
(format stream " ~{~a=~s~^ ~}" (alist-plist (attrs-alist attrs)))
(format stream "")))
(format stream "")))
(defun self-closing-p (element)
(defun self-closing-p (element)
@ -180,7 +180,7 @@ When given :ASCII and :ATTR, it's possible to insert html text as a children, e.
(defun html-element-p (x)
(defun html-element-p (x)
(and (symbolp x) (not (keywordp x)) (gethash (collect-name-as-keyword x) *builtin-elements*)))
(and (symbolp x) (not (keywordp x)) (gethash (make-keyword x) *builtin-elements*)))
(defmacro h (&body body)
(defmacro h (&body body)
@ -4,7 +4,7 @@
(loop for (k v) on plist by #'cddr
(loop for (k v) on plist by #'cddr
collect (cons k v)))
collect (cons k v)))
(defun alist-plist* (alist)
(defun alist-plist (alist)
(mapcan (lambda (kv)
(mapcan (lambda (kv)
(list (string-downcase (car kv))
(list (string-downcase (car kv))
(cdr kv)))
(cdr kv)))
@ -117,12 +117,3 @@
(setf (attr attrs :class) (format nil "~a ~a" class other-class))
(setf (attr attrs :class) (format nil "~a ~a" class other-class))
(setf (attr attrs :class) class)))
(setf (attr attrs :class) class)))
(values attrs children))))
(values attrs children))))
(defun collect-until-dot-or-sharp (string)
(let ((pos (position-if (lambda (c) (or (char= c #\.) (char= c #\#))) string)))
(if pos
(cons (subseq string 0 pos) (subseq string pos))
(cons string ""))))
(defun collect-name-as-keyword (symbol)
(make-keyword (car (collect-until-dot-or-sharp (string symbol)))))
@ -371,22 +371,6 @@
(h (duck :id 5 :color "blue"
(h (duck :id 5 :color "blue"
(img :href "duck.png"))))))
(img :href "duck.png"))))))))
(is (string=
"<div class=\"class1 class2\" id=\"has-id\">child</div>"
(h (div#has-id.class1.class2 "child")))))
(is (string=
"<div class=\"class1 class2\" id=\"has-id\" onclick=\"func()\">child</div>"
(h (div#has-id.class1.class2 :onclick "func()" "child")))))
(is (string=
"<div class=\"class1 class2\" id=\"has-id\" onclick=\"func()\">child</div>"
(h (div#has-id.class1.class2 '(:onclick "func()") "child")))))
(is (string=
"<div id=\"has-id\" class=\"class1 class2 additional-class\">child</div>"
(h (div.class1#has-id.class2 ':class "additional-class" "child")))))))
Reference in a new issue