diff --git a/src/piccolo.lisp b/src/piccolo.lisp
index 9ecb5a2..85d8192 100644
--- a/src/piccolo.lisp
+++ b/src/piccolo.lisp
@@ -19,15 +19,23 @@
:accessor user-element-expander)))
(defun make-builtin-element (&key tag attrs children)
- (make-instance 'builtin-element :tag tag :attrs attrs
+ (make-instance 'builtin-element
+ :tag tag
+ :attrs attrs
:children (escape-children children)))
(defun make-builtin-element-with-prefix (&key tag attrs children prefix)
- (make-instance 'builtin-element-with-prefix :tag tag :attrs attrs :prefix prefix
+ (make-instance 'builtin-element-with-prefix
+ :tag tag
+ :attrs attrs
+ :prefix prefix
:children (escape-children children)))
-(defun make-user-element (&rest args &key tag attrs children expander)
- (make-instance 'user-element :tag tag :attrs attrs :expander expander
+(defun make-user-element (&key tag attrs children expander)
+ (make-instance 'user-element
+ :tag tag
+ :attrs attrs
+ :expander expander
:children (escape-children children)))
(defmethod user-element-expand-to ((element user-element))
@@ -78,7 +86,8 @@ When given :ASCII and :ATTR, it's possible to insert html text as a children, e.
(defun %html (&rest attrs-and-children)
(multiple-value-bind (attrs children)
(split-attrs-and-children attrs-and-children)
- (make-builtin-element-with-prefix :tag "html" :attrs attrs
+ (make-builtin-element-with-prefix :tag "html"
+ :attrs attrs
:children children
:prefix "")))
@@ -94,7 +103,8 @@ When given :ASCII and :ATTR, it's possible to insert html text as a children, e.
(multiple-value-bind (attrs children)
(split-attrs-and-children attrs-and-children)
(make-builtin-element :tag (string-downcase (mkstr ',element-name))
- :attrs attrs :children children)))
+ :attrs attrs
+ :children children)))
(defmacro ,element-name (&body attrs-and-children)
`(,',%element-name ,@attrs-and-children)))))
@@ -108,14 +118,14 @@ When given :ASCII and :ATTR, it's possible to insert html text as a children, e.
a abbr address area article aside audio b base bdi bdo blockquote
- body br button canvas caption cite code col colgroup data datalist
- dd del details dfn dialog div dl dt em embed fieldset figcaption
- figure footer form h1 h2 h3 h4 h5 h6 head header hr i iframe
- img input ins kbd label legend li link main |map| mark meta meter nav
- noscript object ol optgroup option output p param picture pre progress
- q rp rt ruby s samp script section select small source span strong
- style sub summary sup svg table tbody td template textarea tfoot th
- thead |time| title tr track u ul var video wbr)
+ body br button canvas caption cite code col colgroup data datalist
+ dd del details dfn dialog div dl dt em embed fieldset figcaption
+ figure footer form h1 h2 h3 h4 h5 h6 head header hr i iframe
+ img input ins kbd label legend li link main |map| mark meta meter nav
+ noscript object ol optgroup option output p param picture pre progress
+ q rp rt ruby s samp script section select small source span strong
+ style sub summary sup svg table tbody td template textarea tfoot th
+ thead |time| title tr track u ul var video wbr)
(defmethod print-object ((attrs attrs) stream)
(if (attrs-alist attrs)
@@ -158,7 +168,8 @@ When given :ASCII and :ATTR, it's possible to insert html text as a children, e.
(multiple-value-bind (,g!attrs ,g!children)
(split-attrs-and-children ,g!attrs-and-children)
(let ((,g!element
- (make-user-element :tag (string-downcase ',name) :attrs ,g!attrs
+ (make-user-element :tag (string-downcase ',name)
+ :attrs ,g!attrs
:children ,g!children)))
(setf (user-element-expander ,g!element)
(lambda (tag attrs children)
diff --git a/src/util.lisp b/src/util.lisp
index f47cd4f..41cdbbf 100644
--- a/src/util.lisp
+++ b/src/util.lisp
@@ -2,7 +2,7 @@
(defun plist-alist (plist)
(loop for (k v) on plist by #'cddr
- collect (cons k v)))
+ collect (cons k v)))
(defun alist-plist (alist)
(mapcan (lambda (kv)
@@ -18,21 +18,21 @@
(let ((car-result (tree-leaves%% (car tree) test result))
(cdr-result (tree-leaves%% (cdr tree) test result)))
(if (!expanded-p car-result)
- (append (!expanded-list car-result) cdr-result)
- (cons car-result cdr-result)))
+ (append (!expanded-list car-result) cdr-result)
+ (cons car-result cdr-result)))
(if (funcall test tree)
(funcall result tree)
(defmacro tree-leaves (tree test result)
- ,tree
- (lambda (x)
- (declare (ignorable x))
- ,test)
- (lambda (x)
- (declare (ignorable x))
- ,result)))
+ ,tree
+ (lambda (x)
+ (declare (ignorable x))
+ ,test)
+ (lambda (x)
+ (declare (ignorable x))
+ ,result)))
(defun utf8-html-escape-char-p (char)
(find char "<>&"))
@@ -57,8 +57,8 @@
(if (stringp string)
(with-output-to-string (s)
- for c across string
- do (write (if (funcall test c) (escape-char c) c) :stream s :escape nil)))
+ for c across string
+ do (write (if (funcall test c) (escape-char c) c) :stream s :escape nil)))
(defun escape-attrs-alist (alist)
@@ -95,12 +95,12 @@
(append-inline-attrs attrs-and-children))
((keywordp (first attrs-and-children))
(loop for thing on attrs-and-children by #'cddr
- for (k v) = thing
- when (and (keywordp k) v)
- collect (cons k v) into attrs
- when (not (keywordp k))
- return (values (make-attrs :alist attrs) (flatten thing))
- finally (return (values (make-attrs :alist attrs) nil))))
+ for (k v) = thing
+ when (and (keywordp k) v)
+ collect (cons k v) into attrs
+ when (not (keywordp k))
+ return (values (make-attrs :alist attrs) (flatten thing))
+ finally (return (values (make-attrs :alist attrs) nil))))
(values (make-attrs :alist nil) (flatten attrs-and-children)))))
diff --git a/t/piccolo.lisp b/t/piccolo.lisp
index a9c86bc..66f140a 100644
--- a/t/piccolo.lisp
+++ b/t/piccolo.lisp
@@ -16,7 +16,7 @@
(div2 (div "the children text"))
(div3 (div "text 1" "text 2"))
(div4 (div (h1 "text 0") "text 01"
- (list (list "text 3" div2) div3) "text 4")))
+ (list (list "text 3" div2) div3) "text 4")))
(is (eql nil (attrs-alist (element-attrs div1))))
(is (eql nil (element-children div1)))
(is (eql nil (attrs-alist (element-attrs div2))))
@@ -158,10 +158,10 @@
(defun new-a ()
(a *a-attrs*
- "child text 1"
- "child text 2
- (a :href "child'<>\".html" "child'<>\"" (string (code-char 128)))
- (string (code-char 128))))
+ "child text 1"
+ "child text 2
+ (a :href "child'<>\".html" "child'<>\"" (string (code-char 128)))
+ (string (code-char 128))))
(test escape-attr
(let ((escaped-attrs-alist '((:id . "nothing-to-escape")
@@ -225,8 +225,8 @@
(define-element cat ()
(div :id "cat"
- (img :src "cat.png")
- "I'm a cat"))
+ (img :src "cat.png")
+ "I'm a cat"))
(test user-element-simple
(let ((cat (cat)))
@@ -237,11 +237,11 @@
(define-element dog (id size)
(if (and (realp size) (> size 10))
(div :id id :class "big-dog"
- children
- "dog")
+ children
+ "dog")
(div :id id :class "small-dog"
- children
- "dog")))
+ children
+ "dog")))
(test user-element-with-attrs
(let ((dog1 (dog))
@@ -281,10 +281,10 @@
(dog3 (dog (img :src "dog.png")))
(dog4 (dog :id "dog" :size 10 (img :src "dog4.png") "woo"))
(home (div :id "home"
- (cat)
- ;; dog4 below is ignored because cat not accepting children
- (cat dog4)
- (dog :id "doge" (cat)))))
+ (cat)
+ ;; dog4 below is ignored because cat not accepting children
+ (cat dog4)
+ (dog :id "doge" (cat)))))
(is (string= "