Refactor and format
This commit is contained in:
2 changed files with 65 additions and 61 deletions
@ -38,10 +38,14 @@
;;; the h macro for avoiding import all builtin html element functions
;;; helper for generate html string
(in-package #:piccolo/elements)
;;; classes
(defclass element ()
((tag :initarg :tag
:accessor element-tag)
@ -60,8 +64,9 @@
((expand-to :initarg :expander
:accessor user-element-expander)))
(defclass fragment (element)
(defclass fragment (element) ())
;;; constructors
(defun make-builtin-element (&key tag attrs children)
(make-instance 'builtin-element
@ -95,6 +100,8 @@
:attrs (make-attrs :alist nil)
:children (util:escape-children children)))
;;; attributes
(defstruct (attrs (:constructor %make-attrs))
@ -121,7 +128,7 @@
(defmethod attr ((element element) key)
(attr (element-attrs element) key))
(defvar *builtin-elements* (make-hash-table))
;;; elements
(defun split-attrs-and-children (attrs-and-children)
@ -147,6 +154,9 @@
(values (make-attrs :alist nil) (lol:flatten attrs-and-children)))))
(defparameter *builtin-elements* (make-hash-table))
(setf (gethash :html *builtin-elements*) t)
(defun %html (&rest attrs-and-children)
(multiple-value-bind (attrs children)
(split-attrs-and-children attrs-and-children)
@ -158,8 +168,6 @@
(defmacro html (&body attrs-and-children)
`(%html ,@attrs-and-children))
(setf (gethash :html *builtin-elements*) t)
(defmacro define-builtin-element (element-name)
(let ((%element-name (alx:symbolicate '% element-name)))
@ -191,32 +199,61 @@
style sub summary sup svg table tbody td template textarea tfoot th
thead |time| title tr track u ul var video wbr)
(lol:defmacro! define-element (name (&rest args) &body body)
(let ((%name (alx:symbolicate '% name)))
(defun ,%name (&rest attrs-and-children)
(multiple-value-bind (,g!attrs ,g!children)
(split-attrs-and-children attrs-and-children)
:tag (string-downcase ',name)
:attrs ,g!attrs
:children ,g!children
:expander (lambda (tag attrs ,g!exp-children)
(declare (ignorable tag attrs))
(let ((children (and ,g!exp-children
(make-fragment :children ,g!exp-children))))
(declare (ignorable children))
(let ,(mapcar (lambda (arg)
(list arg `(attr attrs (alx:make-keyword ',arg))))
(progn ,@body)))))))
(defmacro ,name (&body attrs-and-children)
`(,',%name ,@attrs-and-children)))))
(defun %<> (&rest children)
(make-fragment :children children))
(defmacro <> (&body children)
`(%<> ,@children))
;;; print-object
(defparameter *boolean-attrs*
'(allowfullscreen async autofocus autoplay checked controls default defer
disabled formnovalidate inert ismap itemscope loop multiple muted nomodule
novalidate open playsinline readonly required reversed selected))
(defmethod print-object ((attrs attrs) stream)
(if (attrs-alist attrs)
(let ((alist (attrs-alist attrs)))
(dolist (pair alist)
(let ((key (car pair))
(value (cdr pair)))
(if (member key *boolean-attrs* :test #'string=)
(when value
(format stream " ~a" (string-downcase key)))
(format stream " ~a=~s" (string-downcase key) value)))))
(format stream "")))
(defparameter *self-closing-tags*
'(area base br col embed hr img input keygen
link meta param source track wbr))
(defparameter *expand-user-element* t)
(defun self-closing-p (tag)
(member (make-symbol (string-upcase tag))
:test #'string=))
(defmethod print-object ((attrs attrs) stream)
:for (k . v) :in (attrs-alist attrs)
:do (format stream (if (member k *boolean-attrs* :test #'string=)
"~@[ ~a~]"
" ~a=~s")
(string-downcase k)
(defmethod print-object ((element element) stream)
(if (element-children element)
(format stream (if (rest (element-children element))
@ -237,41 +274,11 @@
(format stream "~a~%" (element-prefix element))
(lol:defmacro! define-element (name (&rest args) &body body)
(let ((%name (alx:symbolicate '% name)))
(defun ,%name (&rest attrs-and-children)
(multiple-value-bind (,g!attrs ,g!children)
(split-attrs-and-children attrs-and-children)
:tag (string-downcase ',name)
:attrs ,g!attrs
:children ,g!children
:expander (lambda (tag attrs ,g!exp-children)
(declare (ignorable tag attrs ,g!exp-children))
(let ((children (and ,g!exp-children
(make-fragment :children ,g!exp-children))))
(declare (ignorable children))
(let ,(mapcar (lambda (arg)
(list arg `(attr attrs (alx:make-keyword ',arg))))
(progn ,@body)))))))
(defmacro ,name (&body attrs-and-children)
`(,',%name ,@attrs-and-children)))))
(defvar *expand-user-element* t)
(defmethod print-object ((element user-element) stream)
(if *expand-user-element*
(print-object (user-element-expand-to element) stream)
(defun %<> (&rest children)
(make-fragment :children children))
(defmacro <> (&body children)
`(%<> ,@children))
(defmethod print-object ((element fragment) stream)
(if (element-children element)
(format stream (if (rest (element-children element))
@ -279,6 +286,8 @@
(element-children element))))
;;; h macro
(defun html-element-p (node)
(and (symbolp node)
(not (keywordp node))
@ -295,6 +304,8 @@
(declare (ignorable node))
(find-symbol (string-upcase node) :piccolo)))))
;;; helper for generate html string
(defmethod element-string ((element element))
(with-output-to-string (s)
(write element :stream s)))
@ -3,7 +3,6 @@
;;; list utility
;;; escape utility
@ -22,13 +21,7 @@
(loop for (k v) on plist by #'cddr
collect (cons k v)))
(defun alist-plist (alist)
(mapcan (lambda (kv)
(list (string-downcase (car kv))
(cdr kv)))
(defvar *escape-html* :utf8
(defparameter *escape-html* :utf8
"Specify the escape option when generate html, can be :UTF8, :ASCII, :ATTR or NIL.
If :UTF8, escape only #\<, #\> and #\& in body, and \" in attribute keys. #\' will
in attribute keys will not be escaped since piccolo will always use double quote for
Reference in a new issue